The current crises have badly affected the Vienna Boys Choir, both as a school and as artists. We are a private NGO which does not receive any regular government subsidies or public funding.

Most of our income comes from our performances - during the pandemic, we could not perform and lost more than 700 concerts..

Please help us, if you can. Your donation - however small - is much appreciated.

Thank you!

"A choir is a miniature society. Choir members strive to achieve a common goal - good music; they learn how to function as a team. People who sing as children benefit in every aspect of their lives."

- Professor Gerald Wirth, Artistic Director, The Vienna Boys Choir

For 526 years, we have been training youngsters in singing and seen to their education. Today, we continue a proud tradition: Every year, we educate 330 boys and girls between the ages of six and nineteen of all backgrounds for a global society, their future.

Our education is open to all. A chorister's education costs us between 30.000 and 36.000 Euros per annum. This includes tuition, music lessons, and boarding - and we pay for this. In addition, we maintain the buildings on campus, the baroque palace, the smaller baroque pavillion, and the modern boarding school. Costs are prohibitive, and rising, which is why we are asking for your help.